There are a number of reasons for creating SwapCrop. Mainly we wanted an environment where growers and consumers can share surplus produce, equipment and ideas. It should be a friendly community welcoming likeminded people who like to grow or consume veg, fruit, plants flowers etc... Whether you are a garden grower, allotment holder, farmer or just a lover of anything that grows then we hope you will enjoy this website and make use of what there may be on offer.

What is SwapCrop

Waste (help the environment)

Whatever you grow you will no doubt have some waste at some point. How often do we see discarded plant pots and gardening equipment, that are no longer required, making it's way to landfill. I've been guilty of this myself over the years but I have always had the thought that maybe there are people out there that would be very grateful of what I am throwing away. Hopefully, with the help of the SwapCrop community, we can help to find new homes for other peoples waste.

Sometimes we can find that we have an abundance of seeds, whether it be that too many were purchased or maybe we can take new seeds from old plants. SwapCrop will enable us to gift or receive surplus seeds. It could be that we get some fun, new ideas of what to grow next.

Seeds & Bulbs


As with seeds, there will always be a surplus of seedlings. Quite often a greenhouse grower will germinate more seeds than what the greenhouse is capable of holding and the rest are often discarded. Sometimes we do see signs at the front of people's houses saying "Tomatoe Plants For Sale", which is great but maybe just gifting unused seedlings would be better than discarding them.

Over the years we may find ourselves with equipment or tools that we no longer required but may be of some use to others. I'm sure you are getting the idea now. If you think someone could make use of any equipment that you no longer require, then why not gift it on here. There will also be a section for posting items that you would like to receive, just in case anyone has one laying in the corner of the shed.



If you want to share any Tips or Advice on anything related to growing veg, fruit, flowers or plants, then please upload your post on the Tips page. Maybe you have a good recipe or a better way to preserve or make use of an abundant crop. Green Tomatoe Chutney recipes anyone?

A pleasure is not a luxury

Find joy in the small thing in life.